Renewable power station

Current location:Home - Solution - Renewable power station - New Energy Storage System Integration Investment and Operation

Scheme Introduction

New Energy Storage System Integration Investment and Operation

Kunlun New Energy provides customers with investment, construction, operation and operation and maintenance services for source grid side energy storage, industrial and commercial energy storage, household energy storage and other projects, fully matching customer needs, realizing peak valley arbitrage, demand optimization, demand side response, dynamic capacity expansion, peak and frequency regulation and other strategies, and creating a full-scene solution deeply integrated with the new power system.

Product Advantages

Reduce Electricity Costs
Peak-valley arbitrage: reduce electricity rates
Demand management: Control basic electricity charges
Ac capacity expansion: not limited by transformers
Improve Power Stability
Collaborative response of source and network load and storage
Improve power quality
Emergency backup
We Will Increase the Proportion of Green Electricity Used
Increase consumption of new energy
Help carbon neutrality
Enhanced Interaction With the Power Grid
Auxiliary service for peak regulation
Demand side response
Building a New Power System
Participate in the construction of new power infrastructure

Technical Architecture
