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Enterprise Digital Energy Management System

Enterprise digital energy management system is a set of energy management software with the functions of power generation optimization scheduling, load management, real-time monitoring and automatic synchronization of microgrid. Its purpose is to carry out accurate demand-side response, power generation forecasting, operation forecasting and other algorithmic control through intelligent and automated means, to achieve efficient utilization of source, network, load, storage, charging, transportation, carbon and supply and demand balance, while improving the reliability and economy of the system. And establish a dynamic benchmark library, performance evaluation and intelligent monitoring system, and comprehensively upgrade the planning, scheduling, statistics and monitoring capabilities.

Product Advantages

Multi-application Scenario Adaptation
Distributed photovoltaic, industrial and commercial energy storage, light storage integration, charging and replacing power stations, light storage straight and soft, off-grid light storage/combustion
Multi-run Control mode

Conventional start-stop, power balance, stable control, and off-grid switching, black start

Multiple Optimized Running Targets
Demand defense control, reverse power control, photovoltaic maximum consumption, peak cutting and valley filling, optimal carbon emissions, multi-energy balanced scheduling
Multi-energy Equipment Access
Photovoltaic, firewood, combustion, energy storage, charging pile, load at all levels, etc
Multi-load Side Data Mining
Load side safety, health, operation and maintenance and other life cycle management data analysis and mining
Interworking of Multiple Systems
ERP, MES and other original systems docking, access to the power grid dispatching management system, other virtual power plant operation management system

Realize Value
Function Framework
